SPECIAL EVENT: Ladies Small Group Seminar


10AM Sunday Worship Service / 11:15AM Sunday Pastors' Class / 630PM Wednesday Bible Study

 January 18, 2025

 9:00 AM - 2:00 PM

 8751 Fruitville Rd. Sarasota, FL 34240

Ladies, if you’re interested in learning more about hosting or teaching a ladies small group, this one day seminar is for you!

On Saturday Jan 18th from 9am-2pm, join Laura Fouser, our missionary to Brazil, for an informative interactive class on how to grow your small group both spiritually and physically. 

This unique class is only open to members/regular attendees and limited to 10 ladies only, so be sure to sign up in person or online today.

Email Pastor Joe for more information or if you have any questions. 

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